SAUDADE Season One Premiere Screening

Season One Premiere Screening on December 12th, 2019:

It was an honor for me to celebrate with you the cast, the crew, supporters, friends and family, and the very first audience to ever witness the Season One Premiere of Saudade.

This journey began for me nearly 9 years ago at a time in my life when I craved the opportunity to tell stories through writing, directing and acting with the intent to impact and inspire audiences through cinema and television. So I decided to take a leap and create my own work. But when I started this journey, I had no idea how many years this would take, the countless obstacles we would endure, but mostly how much I would learn and grow as an artist and definitely as a person. Most importantly, all the people that would make it possible and have been a part of my team along this way. You have impacted my life and this project more than you may know. I have had the privilege to work alongside, to direct and act with the most talented, amazing and supportive individuals I have ever met. I am so excited for you to witness our beginnings in this series.

As artist we are hard on ourselves and I honestly didn’t want to release it because I felt it didn’t live up to par for for me and for all the people who dedicated their time and work to this. But this year I discovered the importance of keeping my word and finishing what I started for you all. As I worked through post-production, witnessing the many pieces finally come together, I was absolutely amazed at what we accomplished with nothing but, heart, resilience, teamwork, and blood sweat and tears and many sleepless nights recently. I have so many people to thank for making this possible and for believing in me and this vision. Many of you who were a vital part of this series were unable to make it that night but I hope you feel my gratitude and you were certainly with us in spirit.

This is more than an indie project to me, every character and their story is a piece of my heart on screen. At its core Saudade is a story about individuals discovering who they truly are in a time when they’ve lost nearly everything. I hope that everyone who sees it can find yourself in one of these characters and stories and know that you are not alone and hope is never lost.

It’s crazy how after so many years of work it was over in a few short hours. But I hope the impact lasts for a lifetime, I know it has for me.

I will never forget this moment.

Thank you all for your support!!!